3 DIY's I Want to Try

Thursday, December 10, 2015

3 DIY's I Want to Try


I love a good project. If you've been following along, you know I just wrapped up my 2015 Thanksgiving centerpiece which you can read about here. Now I am on to my next endeavor; the holiday ice bucket. I have been wanting to try this for a few years now, and it seems pretty easy and very festive. I will be sure to share the finished product if it works out well!

I am also really want to attempt to bleach pine cones. I was down in South Carolina a few years ago and found a ton of gigantic (I'm talking the size of your forearm huge) pine cones. I obviously had to collect 2 bags full and bring them home with me, but have never really figured out what to do with them. I think this DIY will be perfect since I clearly have an addiction to making everything white, bright and neutral. 

Lastly, I really want to try to do a celery stalk painting. I'm not super artistic but this literally looks like a kindergarten project so if I fail, I'll really be concerned. How cute is the above flower print. It looks exactly like an ElizaJ dress that I wore to a wedding this past September. I will also share this finished project if it works out. Otherwise I am going to hire an 8 year old to do it for me.

Project 1 - Tutorial here or try the ice cubes for a smaller scale project!

Project 2 - Tutorial here and here

Project 3 - Tutorial here and here


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