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I'm no expert in the kitchen, but with these items I'd be willing to learn! If you have a favorite friend or family member who loves to cook, there are some great gift ideas above. I've recently gotten into coffee (literally never drank it for the first 29 years of my life) and I think coffee art is so creative and cool. Now you can do it yourself at home with cup stencils. I so wish I had found this before our wedding - I would have had a "Mr & Mrs" sprinkled on our guest's coffee because, why not?
I've also been wanting to add a lemon tree to my home for a while, but I'll admit I'm nervous since I tend to have a brown thumb when it comes to plants (I've murdered my share over the years). I just love the idea of growing my own and having lemons ready at a moments notice for my wine, water, arugula salad, avocado toast…lemon is seriously the best garnish.
That piggy soup tureen needs to find a home on my counter top. J is addicted to soup and is often making it from scratch (last weeks chicken broth made from our Thanksgiving turkey bones was unreal). Since I don't cook, I can at least be sure it's served in adorable piggy style!
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